
Vibrant copy, fresh ideas

Powerful copy, vivid images

I work with you to create copy that creates proximity or distance – in other words, that has the full and desired effect on the reader. When is a piece of writing a good one? When it sounds good? Reads smoothly? Experiments with unconventional language? That’s pretty close to the mark.

Up close, stylistically confident and to the point.

For me, a successful press and marketing text is one that is tailored to the person, the company and the medium. A handyman usually communicates differently than a financial advisor. A blog post about the most popular flavors of ice cream should have a different impact than an article about car engines in a trade magazine. Online or offline, on paper or on the web. But one thing is true of all genres: Copy that works touches both the head and the heart.

What do you look for in a good journalist or copywriter?

A focused writing style is definitely part of the toolkit. Also a healthy curiosity. And, of course, the ability to listen and inspire! Why is that? The hard facts are quickly covered. It’s the subtle nuances, palpable shades and individual tones that really round out a piece of writing. So well rounded that it creates vivid images in the reader’s mind. In other words, good storytelling.
Referenz Reportagefotografie und Fachartikel

Storytelling is nothing new! Stories have always been told.

Of course, lifestyle topics by their very nature offer more food for thought and excitement. But business and technical topics are also part of life – and can be communicated in a lively way! That is one of my strengths.
You don't need big sentences to communicate successfully. You just need the right word in the right place at the right time. And that’s what I do.
Edith Rayner

Press / Print

• Feature
• Specialist Articles
• Lifestyle Articles
• Press Release
• Customer Magazine
• Company Profile
• People Portrait

Marketing / Web

• Brochure
• Catalogue
• Flyer
• Web Content
• SEO Content Writing
• Sales Letter
• Mailings

Photography / Copywriting

• Commissioned photography for Features and Articles
• No advertising Photography
• Copy Editing
• Proofreading Service

AI? I have something to say about that.

In the age of AI (artificial intelligence), texts are being created that look very attractive and appealing at first glance. On closer inspection, however, they often turn out to be flat and uninspired, with no depth. This may work for certain text requirements, such as a simple customer letter or a standard email. But the artificial web engine definitely can’t produce copy that gets under your skin or communicates from heart to heart!

What do you think?

Get in touch

How can I inspire you with my words?

Let’s talk! 

I look forward to hearing from you.

The easiest way is by email. Or give me a call!